Upgrade Your College Application with a Science Paper!
Hello, everyone. My name is TG Lee. I am Courtesy Assistant Professor at the University of Florida.
I offer scientific paper writing services for high school students. Students, use your science paper to upgrade to the more competitive college application!
Top Quality Verified
Dr. Lee's Previous Professions
Assistant Professor at the University of Florida
Senior Genome Design Scientist for Bayer
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Teaching Record
Precollege/graduate students in flagship universities (U of Florida, Korea University) and a private institute since 2005
an example of educational e-book I published
Co-first-authored in the prestigious Science journal
Editor for 3 prominent scientific journals
an example of scientific journal publication I handled as editor
41 scientific journal publications & educational articles
an essay I wrote about Application of Artificial Intelligence to Breeding
3 US patents in Biology